
Dr Ronald W. McLeod, Dr Ian Randle
CIEHF has recently published a White Paper on the subject of Human Factors in Barrier Management. This is the first White Paper produced by CIEHF and represents a significant step towards establishing a public position on what the Institute believes represents good practice in key areas of practice of the professional discipline of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Development of the White paper was driven by concern among many CIEHF members working in high hazard industries at how human performance is being addressed in some current approaches to barrier management, in particular the Bowtie Analysis method. This paper summarises the process adopted to develop the White paper, including the internal and external consultations undertaken. The contents of the White paper are summarised, including the relationship between elements of a barrier system, concerns with current practice, and recommendations covering Human Factors in the selection, verification, implementation and assurance of controls. A proposed layered approach is introduced where there is a need to examine in detail how barriers can be defeated by human error, and the safeguards that need to be in place to mitigate against it. The paper also identifies seven lessons learned that may provide value to those embarking on similar tasks on behalf of the CIEHF in future.