
thumbnail of Embedding Human Factors into High-Speed Rail Systems Integration

Arzoo Naghiyev, Anthony Coplestone & Nassar Majothi
High Speed 2 (HS2) is building a new socio-technical system, and the complexity of the project requires early and iterative management of human risks. Collaborative working between Ergonomics and Systems Integration (SI) has allowed for end users to be considered in SI processes, which is critical when designing not only new rail systems and infrastructure, but also a new Infrastructure Manager (IM) organisation. This paper will discuss the development of the early ergonomics risk identification framework (EERIF) that has been developed to integrate ergonomics into functional integration activities that are used to support the design of technical systems. The EERIF will be iteratively updated throughout the design process to map to the maturity of the project and will be re-reviewed against existing HF taxonomies and methods.