
thumbnail of Development of a Behavioural Markers System for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship Operations

Kirsty M. Lynch, Aaron P. J. Roberts, Mark S. Young, Victoria A. Banks, Dominic J. Taunton & Katherine L. Plant
A prototype Behavioural Markers System (BMS) is being developed for the operation of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) to assess operators’ non-technical skills for working in a Remote Control Centre (RCC) and assess the behaviours of machine teammates. This paper outlines the initial prototype BMS it includes behavioural markers (BMs) for humans working within a human-machine team, as MASS systems are using higher levels of automation and are changing how the operators will interact with the automated systems. The BMS will also be extended to BMs for machine teammates which could be used in the design and evaluation of future MASS systems. Future work will focus on the further development of the prototype BMS adding further BMs for human-machine and machine-human interactions.